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Economy Shows First Signs of Growth

We are seeing the first signs that the US economy is showing growth. Though US gross domestic production remained flat in its August 2010 report, other economic gauges are showing that the US economy is increasing production. In it’s Beige Book report released on September the 8th the US Commerce Department said that tourism, agriculture, consumer spending, non-financial services and transportation numbers expanded while manufacturing eased. Most of these industries were in decline through the summer and now are showing signs of increased production. The real estate industry numbers were not as optimistic. As a result of the expiration of

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States Forecasted for Highest Unemployment

It is such good news to hear that the Obama Administration is starting to get it right in regard to economic stimulus. Today several key financial incentive announcements were unveiled that target business investment tax credits, extensions of the research and development tax credit and infrastructure spending. The stimulus targets the engine that creates cash flow and commerce for millions of Americans; small business. This news arrives in time to counter balance the latest unemployment rate numbers. Compiled below is a top 10 list of the US states that should see unemployment rates rise greater than other states: 1. Nevada

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Why Economic Recovery Will Be Slow

I have been thinking of a good analysis for our economy. Imagine if you were told 2 years ago that you had cancer and needed emergency surgery to live. After the surgery the doctors told you they successfully removed the cancer, but there were several infections that will remain and you need to prepare for a long, slow recovery. I feel the same about the US economy. We are past the bad stuff, but recovery will take time. One of the “band aids” that was put on the economic “wound” initially was the Obama Stimulus Program. The program was designed

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As Median Home Prices Decline Who Are The Winners?

News came out today that median home prices in Santa Cruz have dropped again. The Santa Cruz Sentinel reported that median home prices declined from a jaw dropping $775,000 in 2007 to a median value of $510,000 in July 2010 (down 34%). Initially the report seems to be good news for home buyers and would increase home affordability in a very depressed economy. Unfortunately, just like a snake in the grass when you step on it, the news has the potential to rear back and bite. When home prices plummet and home buyers are still reluctant to buy what does

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Summertime Blues

Summer has historically been a slow time to buy real estate. The slowest months for sales is November through March, but August ranks #2. During August most home sellers are on vacation soaking up the final few weeks before kids are back in school. August is a time where minds meander under camp sites starry skies. These are the final weeks before 9 months of a heavy regiment of football practice shuttles, daylight savings time adjustments and daily homework assignment check ups. Preoccupation is a significant hindrance and the big brains in real estate know this fact. That is why

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Let’s Get Back to Work!

There have been several economic theories mentioned in the news lately about the correct plan to stimulate economic growth. The current plan is for the Federal Reserve to begin an aggressive attack on lowering interest rates. There are many tools in the Fed toll belt that could be used, but recently the Fed has been purchasing Treasury bonds with the proceeds of maturing mortgage bonds. The Fed did so to make sure that the money supply wouldn’t start contracting at a time when cash-strapped states are cutting spending to close their budget gaps. Buying bonds in the open market lowers

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Prepare for an Uppercut!

I hate getting hit in the face, so when I see a punch coming my way I try to duck. An uppercut to the jaw is coming to most Americans next year so here is your chance to dart and weave. Not that you need more bad news, but the Obama Administration will have sweeping tax increases waiting for most Americans in 2011 and 2012. This is especially bad news for small business owners struggling to stay afloat. If your best friend is not a tax consultant you may want to begin to find one, because your net income for

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It’s the Spending Stupid!

News reports are commenting on how the US consumer is spending less these days.Why is consumer spending so important to the recovery of our economy? What about government spending, corporate spending, industrial or agricultural spending? Shouldn’t these numbers far surpass the spending of Johnny Lunchbox? Consumer spending taps into the very psych of the consumer. Think of it like a pulse on a patient in a doctors care. If the pulse is weak it says much about the patients overall health. Consumers spend with their emotions. Low confidence about future employment will equate to low spending at the retail counter.

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Investing for Smart Gardeners

I heard it said years ago that you should treat investments like you would tend to a rose garden; trim, fertilize and prune to gain the maximum beauty. I also remember the old investment strategy of cost averaging; owning a hand full of stocks, buying the stocks consistently at various times throughout the year at both high and low prices and holding the investment never selling, thus lowering the overall cost. In a volatile market where most investments are taking a pounding the question is, should we own stocks at this time? The same can be said of the current

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The Truth About Inflation and Deflation

There are warnings from the economic forces that we are in a new period of deflation and there needs to be a mindset adjustment to survive financially. The past 20 years or so have been a blessed time where jobs were plentiful, companies sales volumes increased and stock prices rose accordingly. The next several years will be plagued with quite the opposite. In these times of economic contraction what skills do consumers need to stay afloat? First let’s define inflation and deflation. Inflation is a good and bad thing. The good thing about inflation is that companies are increasing prices

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