Testimonials for Bay Area Real Estate

Five Real Estate Trends to Watch for

If the housing market were human, it would look like just wrestled a few alligators, after running an obstacle course through a snake pit.   The market is beaten and bruised, but still trying to emerge from the recession, which is why Greg Rand, a 20-year real estate veteran and author of Crash Boom (www.crashboom.com) from Career Press, wants people to know about five new trends that could help them beat the housing blues. “One of the key elements of a free market is chaos,” Rand says. “Chaos is how the markets figure out how to move forward. The important thing to

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California home sales slowed from June to July

SAN FRANCISCO—A real estate tracking firm is reporting that sales of California homes slowed last month.San Diego-based DataQuick said Tuesday that nearly 35,000 new and resale houses and condos were sold statewide in July. That represents an 11 percent decline from June and 1.4 percent decrease from July 2010. DataQuick says the median California home price in July was $252,000, down 0.4 percent from June and 6 percent from July last year. The median price peaked in early 2007 at $484,000 and hit bottom in April 2009 at $221,000. The firm says more than half of resale home sales last

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Raising the Debt Ceiling: How Will It Effect Real Estate?

The effects of politicking in Washington led to some historic events for our country. Unfortunately, our most recent events have all been rather negative, to say the least. So, we are once again hearing that mortgage interest rates are at all-time, historic lows. I would not want to give our Washington elites too much credit for being the reason for these low rates. But the truth of the matter, is that due to our debt issues, our financial system must continue to make money as affordable as possible to those borrowing. This will help improve the velocity of money and

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California Foreclosures Plummet to 4-Year Low

The number of California homes that went into foreclosure fell to a four-year low last quarter, the result of a more stable housing market as well as policy changes in the mortgage servicing industry, a real estate information service reported. A total of 56,633 Notices of Default (NoDs) were recorded at county recorders offices during the April-to-June period. That was down 17.0% from 68,239 for the prior quarter, and down 19.2% from 70,051 in second-quarter 2010, according to San Diego-based DataQuick. Last quarter’s activity was the lowest for any quarter since 53,493 NoDs were recorded in the second quarter of

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SOCAL Housing Market Improves Slightly

The Southern California housing market showed some signs of stabilizing last month with sales popping up more than average from May to June, a real estate data firm reported Tuesday. Sales rose 11.6% from May, driven by first-time buyers and investors scouring the market for bargains. A total of 20,532 newly built and previously owned homes sold in the region last month, according to DataQuick of San Diego. That tally was nevertheless a 14.0% decline from the same period a year ago, the last month that buyers could close on their home purchases and qualify for the popular federal tax

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Technology Leads a Rebound in U.S. Office Rents as Occupancies Increase

Image via CrunchBase Amazon.com Inc. (AMZN) drew attention from landlords in March when it leased most of a 36-story downtown Seattle tower built during the recession, a sign that technology job growth would help lift U.S. office rents and occupancies. “The reduction of big blocks of space is always the first indicator of recovery,” said Patrick Callahan, chief executive officer of Urban Renaissance Group, a Seattle-based commercial real estate developer and investor that manages about 2 million square feet (186,000 square meters) of properties. The U.S. office market gained 3.7 million square feet of net occupied space in the three

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Silicon Valley Home Prices Exploding Amid IPO MIllionaires

Image via CrunchBase A surge in wealth from technology stock sales and initial public offerings is spilling into the Silicon Valley real estate market as newly rich workers bid up home values in suburban cities south of San Francisco. The median price of single-family houses sold in Palo Alto, home of Facebook Inc., climbed 20 percent in May from a year earlier to $1.63 million, the biggest jump since 2008, according to preliminary figures from research company DataQuick. In Mountain View, the base of LinkedIn Corp., prices rose 3.1 percent to $957,500, the ninth year-over-year gain in 12 months. The

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